tirsdag 27. oktober 2015

Baked marbles. I knew I loved baking but this is AWESOME!

In the 60s fried marbles were all the rage in the US. These days we no longer use a gas stove but simply add marbles to a baking tray. ;)

Set your oven to 230 degrees celcius and leave the marbles in for about 20 minutes. While they are happily baking away prepare them for the shock of being submerged into icy water: a bowl of cold water with icecubes added for good measure. 

The marbles will crackle inside but keep their glossy sleak surface. Magic!

As soon as I have made some sparkly goodies from this I'll add pictures. :)

onsdag 7. oktober 2015

Making stash look delish AND well organized

Last spring I came upon THIS great tutorial and went to work. I have to admit I was VERY proud when all my remnants had found a new home! ;) 

Instead of rummaging through grocerybags etc I can now with a glance see what I actually DO have. 
It's a great way to make at least my creative fabric-mess a tad more structured... :)

søndag 4. oktober 2015

A potter's apron...

I haven’t blogged for ages but as a part of a deal struck with myself ( no less… )
I have an obligation to actually do this… *sic*

A while ago I took a pottery class so I knew an apron would be the smart thing to wear. 
In addition to clothes, of course. Smilefjes som blunker 

I googled and found inspiration. From there I went ahead and used some curtains.
Second hand. Washed and ironed. Indeed they turned out to have a second life.

As you can tell by the pictures the apron seems to be long and straight 
but it has an overlap that comes in handy when throwing clay!